
Filipino cuisine is composed of the cuisines of more than a hundred distinct ethno-linguistic groups found throughout the Philippine archipelago. The style of food making and the food associated with it have evolved over many centuries from their Austronesian origins (shared with Malaysian and Indonesian cuisines) to a mixed cuisine of Indian, Chinese, Spanish and American influences, in line with the major waves of influence that had enriched the cultures of the archipelago, as well as others adapted to indigenous ingredients and the local palate.

Suman Moron (Treat)

Suman Moron

This is Suman Moron. Suman Moron is a particular type of suman made with a chocolate layer twisted around the vanilla layer, so it creates a spiralized appearance and it has crushed peanuts too. The crunch of the peanuts is what makes this suman a crowd favorite. This is made with glutinous rice flour (malagkit).

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Beef Mami

Beef Mami

This is Beef Mami. Beef Mami is one variation of a noodle soup dish which originated in northern Asia, particularly in China. Chicken or beef are the most common varieties of this noodle soup. This is a typical meryenda or mid-afternoon snack that is nice to have during cold weather. Enjoy this recipe from all

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