
Filipino cuisine is composed of the cuisines of more than a hundred distinct ethno-linguistic groups found throughout the Philippine archipelago. The style of food making and the food associated with it have evolved over many centuries from their Austronesian origins (shared with Malaysian and Indonesian cuisines) to a mixed cuisine of Indian, Chinese, Spanish and American influences, in line with the major waves of influence that had enriched the cultures of the archipelago, as well as others adapted to indigenous ingredients and the local palate.

Shrimp Curry

Shrimp Curry

This is Shrimp Curry. Shrimp Curry is another delectable curry dish. You can actually make a curry dish with almost any meat or vegetable. In this dish, we used the shrimp heads to make a shrimp broth. That made the flavor of this dish outstanding because you can really taste the shrimp in it. If

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Ginataang Bilo Bilo (Coconut Milk Dessert)

Ginataang Bilo-Bilo

This is Ginataang Bilo-Bilo. Ginataang Bilo-Bilo is an old-time favorite of Filipinos. Typically made with glutinous rice balls, tapioca pearls, sweet potatoes, purple yam, tropical fruits and coconut milk. This is a delicious and filling snack specially if you love anything with coconut milk in it. Ginataang Bilo-Bilo is also perfect during rainy days. Enjoy

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