We the chefs have a responsibility to learn about the
“We the chefs have a responsibility to learn about the chemical makeup of food!”
We the chefs have a responsibility to learn about the Read More »
This is a collection of quotes about food by people familiar to the culinary world and not.
“We the chefs have a responsibility to learn about the chemical makeup of food!”
We the chefs have a responsibility to learn about the Read More »
“Sharing our meals should be a joyful and a trustful act, rather than the cursory fulfillment of our social obligations.”
Sharing our meals should be a joyful and a trustful Read More »
“New York’s food scene is truly unique because it is this wonderful melting pot where immigrants from all over the world have brought with them their cuisines and their ingredients.”
New York’s food scene is truly unique because it is Read More »
“I know my husband really loves me because he takes me to have ribs. He says I’m the only girl he ever took out who actually ate anything on her plate, as opposed to pushing it around.”
I know my husband really loves me because he takes Read More »
“Food is a lot of people’s therapy – when we say comfort food, we really mean that. It’s releasing dopamine and serotonin in your brain that makes you feel good.”
“Never eat while doing something else, because you won’t get the satisfaction from your food and you’ll be more likely to overeat.”
Never eat while doing something else because you Read More »
“It is, in my view, the duty of an apple to be crisp and crunchable, but a pear should have such a texture as leads to silent consumption.”
It is in my view the duty of an apple to be crisp Read More »
“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.”