
Filipino cuisine is composed of the cuisines of more than a hundred distinct ethno-linguistic groups found throughout the Philippine archipelago. The style of food making and the food associated with it have evolved over many centuries from their Austronesian origins (shared with Malaysian and Indonesian cuisines) to a mixed cuisine of Indian, Chinese, Spanish and American influences, in line with the major waves of influence that had enriched the cultures of the archipelago, as well as others adapted to indigenous ingredients and the local palate.

Bihon Guisado

Bihon Guisado

This is Bihon Guisado. Pancit Bihon Guisado or Bihon Guisado is a Filipino dish made with sauteed rice noodles, thinly sliced pork, chicken, shrimp, and assorted vegetables. All the ingredients are sauteed in garlic, onions, celery and soy and/or fish sauces together with a little broth. This makes for a hearty noodle entree that’s good

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This is Dinengdeng. Dinengdeng is a popular vegetable Filipino recipe which originated from Ilocos. This dish is quite similar to pinakbet except that it is bagoong soup based dish. Dinengdeng is a healthy dish since it is composed of different vegetables. Specially if you add grilled fish instead of fried fish. Enjoy this recipe from

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Tinapa Fried Rice

Tinapa Fried Rice

This is Tinapa Fried Rice. Tinapa Fried Rice is a particular type of fried rice that includes smoked fish flakes as key component of the dish. This ingredient is more commonly known in the Philippines as Tinapa. This dish is frequently garnished with slices of salted eggs and diced tomatoes. Enjoy this recipe from all

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